

September 17, 2004

Another trailer for SAW has been released. Same type of deal. Someone wakes up in possibly the worst situation a person could find themselves and is soon told they have to make a choice. Number 1 being super crappy and number 2 being super duper crappy.

This movie is going to scare the rice off my breath.

  • Trailer #1
  • Trailer #2 (NEW!)
  • Review of SAW
  • Interview with James Wan (Director)
  • Interview with Leigh Whannell (Writer)

  • 2004/07/12

    Anagrams can be fun but most of the time are not...

    Over on Something Awful they have a photo shop article up where the board members would take a movie and make an anagram from the title and photoshop the poster into the outcome of the anagram.... Why the hell did I just explain that? Pretty obvious.

    This is funny cause of Ben Stiller.

    There are more in this link right here. So convenient.


    So Stevey Wonder was crazy...

    Here's a keen video of some guy playing Mario tunes on the piano. Grab a cup of Joe before you click though cause it's 10 minutes long. The highlight, I'd guess, is at the beginning of his composition where he plays blindfolded. Cool, but not the main reason to watch. The main reason to click is to watch this guy goes nuts on the piano for 10 minutes with mario tunes and to reminisce of simpler times.

    Oh ya, the title was ment because this guy plays blind for a while and his head isn't bobbing and weaving all over. So that means the head dance is probably a black thing, or that Stevey had water in his ear....crazy water!

    I think someone should be hired to play my wedding...


    If things are expensive, it means they're good.

    So a little while back there was a news paper article stating that once again Tokyo is the most expensive city you can ever find. Oh, and Osaka came in at #4, not that that's anything to scoff at but it just goes to prove that Japan is an incredibly expensive country to do anything in. And when you do get to do that something, it's usually of the smallest degree because there are a million other people trying to do the same thing.

    I've asked Japanese friends about why certain things are so expensive and they normally just give me the, "I dunno, it just is." line and it's left at that. Why is a movie theater ticket $20? I dunno. Why are all hotels on a per person basis when your only using the one room? I dunno. Why is Japan's staple food so expensive? Dunno. (Hint: They abuse tariffs to protect their over priced shenanigans.) Why is this melon $100? That's a special melon. I don't even want to get started on the obligatory "Thank you" money you have to pay when you move to a new apartment and the other things you are expected of at that time.

    So if any of these types of questions baffle you like they do me, then this might be something you'd like to read. It answers why prices with most everything here is so inflated and why you don't see too much foreign influence in Japan. The mindset of ignorant Japanese consumers and the blatantly rigged distribution system.

    The more I read about Japan, the less gung-hoe I am about investing in it's future. This isn't to totally rip on the country because there are a lot of good things going for it. I just want to raise some issues that always seem to be skirted around.

    Why are Prices in Japan so darn Expensive?

    It's a pretty long read but I found a lot of it to be really interesting even if the tone is a little whinny at times.