
The Grey Album

Having gone through a recent lull in downloading music or actually pursuing anything new I was happy to have this pop up. I know its been available for quite a few months but you'll have to excuse my tartness for the fact I'm not a white belt wearing hipster who's on top of all things "underground".

What we have here is the result of what happens when someone follows through on an idea knowing full well profit will not come from it and just doing it for the hell of it. Much like other DJ's, DJ Dangermouse took the tracks Jay Z acappellaed a while back for his Black Album and then "borrowed" The Beatles music from the White Album and forced one to fornicate the other for the good of his project. 200+ hours later after the dust settled and the Grey Album reared its big fat head.

Since the lyrics and music are not the artists own creations, the Grey Album, naturally, could not be sold. This is a good thing because now it's free for us. To make you're very own copy to show your friends how cool you are here is everything you'll need to make it a painless process.

  • Cover Print, Cut and Enjoy!
  • Bit Torrent A necessary evil. Click "Windows Installer" near the top and at the next page choose North America down the "Download" column and follow from there. When installed you'll have to reboot.
  • The Grey Album Also check out the clash of Jay Z and Metallica's Black Album on the Double Black Album.
  • Burning Software Just incase you're without something to burn music with. Or a bi-pedal pig.

    And that should be everything you need to make one of my favourite albums in a long time. It gets extra points cause it's free too.

    If you don't want to go about it this way you could always look up "Grey Album" or "Danger Mouse" on your favourite P2P or just go to the individual tracks at the bottom of the page and download them to your computer that way. But I'm sure it's not as fun.
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