
Recent Games

Time for another edition of Games Played Recently!

1. After having it for a year and playing it on and off over and over, I'm finally getting into it due to my strictly one game till it's done plan. Too bad I'm almost at the end.

2. I picked up the re-release of Kid Icarus from back in the Famicom Disc System day for the gameboy strictly because I remember my friend Danielle had this game and after playing it a few times and getting hooked she started insisting we play outside or something causing me to never fully satisfy my feeling for this game for the next 18 years. Although it was painful, I've been given a second chance at it and boy is it good. I even passed the third level! Something I've never done because this is possibly the hardest game ever made after maybe Ghost and Goblins.

3. Finally passed it. It was fun but I can't see myself playing it ever again. Looks like a seller.

1. Considered one of the scariest (atmospherically, not specifically gory) games ever made, I found it on the cheap and am waiting for Halloween to dig in.

2. Still wanting to play. Still not enough time. Soon...

3. Picked it up this summer while I was back home and haven't even started it. Not enough hours in a day. Next on my list.

1. Seems like a really fun game but after the second set of levels, the kid I was playing with decided it was too hard and up and left. No point in playing one player so it'll have to wait until I can find another person.

2. With the main mission finished (28 hours) I still keep coming back to the small challenges unlocked during play. These bonus challenge levels challenge you to complete a task with a set amount of pikmin allotted to you at the beginning and within a set amount of time. Once successful, points are given depending on time remaining and Pikmin stricken down in battle. These challenges keep me up all night.

3. Two weeks ago, Capcom release a demo disc for the long awaited Resident Evil 4 in Japan and although it's fairly short, I'm still playing it simply because everytime you start, you can attack the mission in new ways. The AI is so quick and reacts so brutally you can have fun trying out new strategies everytime and not get bored.
Other games I'm either close to completion or need to start

And with games like Halo 2, Killer 7, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, Mortal Kombat: Deception, THUG 2, Alien Hominid, Okami, Prince of Persia 2,GTA: San Andreas, Doom 3, Half Life 2, Viewtiful Joe 2, Resident Evil 4, Nintendo: DS and all it's software, plus all the other AAA games I'm forgetting, I'm either going to have to pass up on some of the best games to come out in a long time or give up work and sleep to get through them all. Nice to have this problem but sad I won't be able to play my way out of it without missing some great experiences.

1 comment:

fatwreck said...

Don't worry, when I get back to canada I'll play some mario party with you.