
Long time no see.

Ok, I know I've only updated once since the end of April, but there's a good reason for this you see.

Number 1. Working a summer job. Doing demolition work outside for 10 hours a day leaving me tired and sleepy at the end of the day not wanting to write anything on here.

Number 2. I moved back to Canada. Yes, I don't find doing nothing exciting enough to post about. When I decide to do something, I'll post. (After summer job)

Number 3. I'm very very lazy.

Number 4. I'm not an English teacher in Japan anymore. That job provided all sorts of time to sit on the computer and look busy while I actually just wrote things for this to past the time. Now I don't do that, so once my life gets another routine providing me with some time to waste a few times a week, I'll know what to do.

So like I said, once things get some predictability going you can expect this place to be dusted off again and open for all sorts of funny pieces only a few people may care about.

I'm sitting on a whole bunch of junk just waiting to be updated and I've got a lot of (interesting) pictures and stories left over from Japan waiting to be posted and talked about so just be patient.

Oh and in other news, I was accepted to the program I applied to at SAIT. You can read about it here.

(and a special thanks to Glen who recommended this course to me. I probably wouldn't have known about it otherwise.)

I especially like the part when they said,


Students with higher grades usually experience more success in SAIT

Good to know.

Everybody have a great summer and I'll be back in about a months time.

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