This blog has closed down. It's intention was something my friends and family could look to to see what I was up to while living in Japan. Since I am no longer there, there is no reason to keep updating. I've got a new site over at for those interested.
So long!
purgatory shmergatory
You have escaped damnation and made it to Purgatory, a place where the dew of repentance washes off the stain of sin and girds the spirit with humility.
Holy shit I love the internet.
Meet The Flying Spaghetti Monster
I'd heard about the Flying Spaghetti Monster before but I never realized the following he's created until just the other night. It was the link to a Wikipedia entry that got me hip to the whole thing.
By the looks of things, this is some parody religion called Flying Spaghetti Monsterism (FSM) with its followers calling themselves "Pastafarians" "preaching the word of their "noodly master" as the one true religion." and have prayers ending with the word Ramen rather than Amen.
If you are in the market for a rad religion to convert to you can look forward to many benefits in FSM.
Now, what does all this silly non-sense mean? Well, you see the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created as a result of the Kansas board of educations decision to allow Creationism/Intelligent Design* equal time as Evolution in the classroom science lessons. It says that if teachers were to teach the theory of evolution, then in turn, it should teach other theories, such as how Christians believe how the universe came to be. A God created it all including evidence linked to evolution and it was all in His grand design for things to be the way they've become.
What FSM is saying is that if we were to allow Intelligent Design in the classroom then how many theories/what theories should be allowed/acknowledged. The whole reasoning behind their decision is to teach as much as they can about how different people believe differently about how the world came to be and let the students ultimately decide for themselves.
His noodly master has purpose.
Read The Flying Spaghetti Monster's entire history here.
*The theory of intelligent design says life on earth is too complex to have developed through evolution, implying that a higher power must have had a hand in creation. Nearly all scientists dismiss it as a scientific theory, and critics say it's nothing more than religion masquerading as science.
Strawberry Jam? Yes, please!
"Once in my mouth, I am addicted to the taste that spreads. Ever since, I acquired the taste of it, I can't help but continue eating it. I am about to shed my tears, but I want to put it in my mouth. I want to keep putting it in my mouth. You keep moving, ahhhh."
Says a track which, coincidently doesn't have it's lyrics printed on the album sleeve The track name is "Tsukune 70 yen" (70yen meatloaf) for those who want to hear it for themselves.
I don't know what all the commotion is over this. I've been saying this kind of stuff since I was about 2 and you don't see people up in arms around me. I feel a hit single coming on...see you on the charts Ai Otsuka, if that's your real name. And wash your face.
Japan has small things and very big things!
I saw a lot of things in Japan. Some of them were very small, like this small truck. I don't know what it was other than a small truck.

Other things are very big. Such as this traffic light. This intersection is famous for just how many accidents have occured here. Naturally the biggest light in the country being installed will solve the problem because that's exactly what has happened! Look at it in proporiton to our bodies! HUGE!

Other things are very big. Such as this traffic light. This intersection is famous for just how many accidents have occured here. Naturally the biggest light in the country being installed will solve the problem because that's exactly what has happened! Look at it in proporiton to our bodies! HUGE!
Ok, I'm back in a semi regular basis
Yes, after a long nice summer vacation of demolishion work with trogs and drinking and looking for residence and visiting friends I'm back posting some stuff on a semi regular basis. Maybe once a week. Ya, that sounds good and do-able. So expect one post on a weekly basis.
I've got a wedding supper on the burner for October and school at the end of the month with my lovely wife coming into the country at about the same time, so lots to look forward to.
Till next week!
I've got a wedding supper on the burner for October and school at the end of the month with my lovely wife coming into the country at about the same time, so lots to look forward to.
Till next week!
Long time no see.
Ok, I know I've only updated once since the end of April, but there's a good reason for this you see.
Number 1. Working a summer job. Doing demolition work outside for 10 hours a day leaving me tired and sleepy at the end of the day not wanting to write anything on here.
Number 2. I moved back to Canada. Yes, I don't find doing nothing exciting enough to post about. When I decide to do something, I'll post. (After summer job)
Number 3. I'm very very lazy.
Number 4. I'm not an English teacher in Japan anymore. That job provided all sorts of time to sit on the computer and look busy while I actually just wrote things for this to past the time. Now I don't do that, so once my life gets another routine providing me with some time to waste a few times a week, I'll know what to do.
So like I said, once things get some predictability going you can expect this place to be dusted off again and open for all sorts of funny pieces only a few people may care about.
I'm sitting on a whole bunch of junk just waiting to be updated and I've got a lot of (interesting) pictures and stories left over from Japan waiting to be posted and talked about so just be patient.
Oh and in other news, I was accepted to the program I applied to at SAIT. You can read about it here.
(and a special thanks to Glen who recommended this course to me. I probably wouldn't have known about it otherwise.)
I especially like the part when they said,
Students with higher grades usually experience more success in SAIT
Good to know.
Everybody have a great summer and I'll be back in about a months time.
Number 1. Working a summer job. Doing demolition work outside for 10 hours a day leaving me tired and sleepy at the end of the day not wanting to write anything on here.
Number 2. I moved back to Canada. Yes, I don't find doing nothing exciting enough to post about. When I decide to do something, I'll post. (After summer job)
Number 3. I'm very very lazy.
Number 4. I'm not an English teacher in Japan anymore. That job provided all sorts of time to sit on the computer and look busy while I actually just wrote things for this to past the time. Now I don't do that, so once my life gets another routine providing me with some time to waste a few times a week, I'll know what to do.
So like I said, once things get some predictability going you can expect this place to be dusted off again and open for all sorts of funny pieces only a few people may care about.
I'm sitting on a whole bunch of junk just waiting to be updated and I've got a lot of (interesting) pictures and stories left over from Japan waiting to be posted and talked about so just be patient.
Oh and in other news, I was accepted to the program I applied to at SAIT. You can read about it here.
(and a special thanks to Glen who recommended this course to me. I probably wouldn't have known about it otherwise.)
I especially like the part when they said,
Students with higher grades usually experience more success in SAIT
Good to know.
Everybody have a great summer and I'll be back in about a months time.
Killer 7 Hands-on
Gamecube Advanced has some very revealing hands on gameplay on the, till now, very mysterious Capcom game Killer 7. Hurrah!
Check it out!
Electroplankton Video
If any one is interested in music and remotely interested in videogames or the Nintendo DS, take a look at this 15 minute video and see for yourself why the DS hardware is so exciting simply because of its untapped potential. This isn't a game in the traditional sense. It's just a tool to make music and to mess around with sounds. No high scores or battling. Just sitting around making music. I needs me some Electroplankton!
Electroplankton video.
Thanks to 4 color rebellion for providing such a great video!
Electroplankton video.
Thanks to 4 color rebellion for providing such a great video!
Google maps
Oh Google, is there anything you can do? Go to Google Maps and type in a city, bang! satellite picture of the city. Then take your pointer and grab that sucker and scroll all over the place without the screen having to reload. Looking for a location in that city? Search it up and boom! the results to your search all labeled nicely there for you.
Zoom in, zoom out, see an aerial shot of where you live or zoom in to look for fat kids. Wanna know the nearest pizza joint from your house? Do a local search on anything and have the results labeled all convenient like for you to pick and choose from. You'll even be given the option to get directions by typing in your current location. Handy!
Do with it what you like, but to see what Google Maps can do when it's really bogeying, might I suggest Calgary as a city to see the full potential of this software. The larger cities have much more detail in there imagery but even the town where I'm from with all its 500 people is easy to find with a nice aerial shot. Very slick!
(North America only)
Let's all dance with Google Maps!
Zoom in, zoom out, see an aerial shot of where you live or zoom in to look for fat kids. Wanna know the nearest pizza joint from your house? Do a local search on anything and have the results labeled all convenient like for you to pick and choose from. You'll even be given the option to get directions by typing in your current location. Handy!
Do with it what you like, but to see what Google Maps can do when it's really bogeying, might I suggest Calgary as a city to see the full potential of this software. The larger cities have much more detail in there imagery but even the town where I'm from with all its 500 people is easy to find with a nice aerial shot. Very slick!
(North America only)
Let's all dance with Google Maps!
Mario covers bare cans and people actually don't mind at all!
But, if you had any common sense you'd know not to waste the attractiveness of these little guys by sticking them on your bottles, but to celebrate their collectibility by displaying your complete collection on the mantle piece in hopes it distracts your visitors from actually noticing the rotten mess you teeth are sure to become after drinking 50+ bottles of Pepsi in a short few weeks.
This year Pepsi has decided to celebrate Mario's roots by releasing a set of cap toppers donning Mario, his wild and crazy brother Luigi and other memorable characters in their original 8-bit form.
Lovely, aren't they? You may also find it interesting to know that they smell really delicious! New tire smell delicious, not fresh bread delicious.
Admitably, there's not much point to these little guys. Other than to be what Arthur Fonzerelli is to a broken juke box or Charlie Manson is to crazy; and that is to be absolutely necessary. I'm beginning to view these as some sort of passage into manhood and do not recognize anyone without a complete set as someone who has reached their full potential as a human. Sorry, but that what happens to your mind when you possess tangible cool. You begin to de-evolve those you love into categories not quite as cool as the one you inhabit.
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