
Strange days: The Magic Minute

Ok, so apparently Friday's have turned into some sort of Twilight Zone day.

Two Fridays ago I was driving home along the same route I've driven for the past two years only a few minutes later than normal. My travels are about 35 minutes one way, with 18 kilometers and about 23 traffic signals along my way and during this trip I did the impossible. I found the magic minute.

Now I don't know if it was a freak accident or if the signals are reset everyday at exactly the same moment only to blink for hours and hours leading up to one perfect synchronized chain of green lights, but that's exactly what happened (well except for the one light). It was like the planets orbited for 10,000 years and came upon the one exact moment where they all lined up in a perfect row and gave birth to this perfect portal shaving an easy 8-9 minutes off my travels.

If the lights are reset at sometime during the day that would leave an extremely tight and convenient passage for me to get through to go home everyday, but all I have to do now is find that perfect moment to leave work which was unfortunately found by my being late. So naturally I don't want to really stay late everyday to try and find that moment cause I'd get home at an earlier time leaving at my normal time. But just the fact that the perfect commute is really out there shatters a lot of daydreams I've had about being able to get home without actually making a full stop the whole way.

I did mention one light that I'm not really counting because it was a pedestrian light triggered by a fool who had no idea what they stopped me from doing. But if I were to continue the planet analogy I would call that light the Planet X of signals because it's there and it orbits the sun like all the other planets but it's just not part of our solar system to include in the greater group so I'm allowed to discount it. Another view could be that the person did actually know what they were doing were assigned to ruin my "portal run". That would be weird.

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