
Disneyland during the holiday's

Back around the end of November I volunteered to take some kids to Tokyo Disneyland on a field trip for a local English school. Normally Disneyland is over crowded during the normal season weekend but this being the beginning of their annual Christmas Theme season and on a national holiday and it was packed to the gills! We still managed to have fun but I learned my lesson; no more Disneyland on a holiday/weekend. I'd still go on a weekday while people are at work but you'd be hard-pressed to get me to fight those crowds again. I'm talking a 30 minute line up for a drink, pop corn or slice of pizza type day.

Then again, the other day my co-worker told me one of her students went to Tokyo Disneyland on the weekend only to be turned away to Disneyland's less popular Tokyo Disney Sea since they were running at full capacity already. Lunacy.

Anyway, if anyone is wondering what it's like at Disneyland in Japan during the holiday's you can check out this link and look through my pictures which ironically don't have more than a few people milling about in the background. It was busy, I swear!

Happy Holiday's!

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