
You have no chance to survive make your time.

Holy crap, this rocks so hard.

Some guys decided to made a flash animation/music video from the old game "Zero Wing" using the legendary "All your base are belong to us." line and they come off pretty successfully minus a few stumbles here and there.

The main one being the music. First of all the dude that just has to wail on his guitar is alright with me, cause sometimes that's what you have to do, but I hold no patience for the other guy trying to rock on his casio. There is no excuse for that. Just look at Jerry Lee Lewis. The man is dead! You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain, indeed Mr. Lewis.

Because of that fool and his casio key board, I give you permission to just turn it off after a minute or two in, or if you're like me, just keep watching the first half over and over and over.

1 comment:

fatwreck said...

I'd never seen it before but I figured it had to be pretty old by now seeing what kind of status that line has on message boards. But it still makes me wet my pants everytime.