
Start the parade...We're finished!

Hey look! It's another example of writing something and not putting it up for 2 weeks!

Finally after months and months of collecting addresses, history checks translations, declarations and obscure information long forgotten I'd like to proudly announce that Yumiko and I are finished with our immigration papers. They are now in the mail (again, after they were sent back because of a mix up with the post office here) and zooming over to eastern Canada to be processes and judged.

And now we wait. And wait and wait to see if we are worthy to join Canadian society as a power team.

Since the forms are constantly reminding you that any false or inaccurate information could cause your file to be unfairly processed, me and Yumiko naturally became very nervous over any question that posed even the slightest ambiguity.

Looking back now I remember some of our lowest moments. Such as the blank that asks to fill in your name in English and your native language, which sparked to, "Fill in you name in your native language??? But Kanji is from China! Should I fill it out in Hiragana? First name first or last!?! My head!" <--Yumiko

Or filling out the "Contents" section of the envelope. "How many pages are we including? There's an envelope in there! Does that count as one or do we guess how many pages are included inside to make it technically correct?!?" <--Me

Those are just off the top of my head but I'm sure given some time I could come up with some doozies. It's funny how much you question the simples things when put under a little pressure.

Well, now that that's done we can finally direct our full attention to Christmas shopping and what else?...... Ah, that's right, wedding next month. Better get those mock invitations out.

1 comment:

fatwreck said...

The picture refers to the post title. Looks like those people are getting ready to parade all over the place in honor of us finishing our papers. Get it?