
Sacrificial virgin, wasn't virgin after all...

Recently things have been a little more exciting than usual.

Probably the biggest thing at the front of my mind would be that an eff'n volcano erupted in my area! I wouldn't say it's close but it's really big and I can see it from my house. What is this? The stoneage? Since when do volcanoes erupt? I know things are a little outdated here but this is pretty ridiculous. (HAR! HAR! HAR!)

As we can see from this picture, scientists have concluded that when God was handing out land, Japan thought he said "sand" and said "Make mine hot and bubbling!"

While on the topic of volcanoes, I was talking to Yumiko about it and she said, "Of course Japan has a lot of volcanoes. Why do you think there are so many hot springs?" Then amusingly this article came up blowing the lid off of all the scandalous hot springs around Japan.

And I quote:
"According to research conducted by the Environment Ministry, out of over 2 million facilities in the country that provide public hot springs, not even 10% use pure, uncontaminated water taken directly from the natural source."

"In Kagoshima Prefecture, a hot spring famous for its unusual green color was revealed to be the result of dissolving household "Bath-Clean" bath salts into the water."

"...one of the hot springs of the Shirahone Hot Springs chain in Nagano Prefecture, favored by bath-nuts around the country for its milky white water, has been artificially colored with store-bought bath salts."

Really, how hard would it be to find a natural hot spring and sustain it enough for commercial purpose? Obviously it's pretty goddamn hard according to those who are in the business here.

Of course the water should be treated enough for people to sit in it but this article makes it sound like most hot springs in Japan are nothing more than big public bath houses filled with bath water and store bought salt which is honestly pretty disappointing.

Ok, back to volcanoes the only thing that has personally affected me from the recent eruption is the ash that resulted, sprinkled down on all the delicious cabbage in the area making it inedible. :( And according to Yumiko's dad during supper last week, I ate the last delicious cabbage of the year that night because the cabbage that they buy only comes from our area and cabbage grown elsewhere in Japan is not up to our area's standard. But I'm sure I didn't need to explain that.

Next up:
Murder in Kamisato! (<--- The town I live in...)


Anonymous said...

One day in a land far, far, away......lives your family. They are wondering about the earthquakes and volcanos that are happening in Japan, and that their adventurous fledgling has not sent them a note.

fatwreck said...

You always do this. If you want to know what I'm doing, then what's stopping you from emailing me? Why do I always have to initiate it?

Nothing is really new with me. Work, fireworks last night, hang over today and planning wedding stuff. We go to see a planner on the 20th so expect to hear some plans then. My boss also said that he might be able to slid me the days off I requested but I don't think I'll be paid or anything during them which is pretty stupid since at most other jobs you at least get a percentage. Just another reason why my job isn't really a job at all.

Have any new pictures of gracy? Bet she's getting big.
Gotta go,
talk to you later.

fatwreck said...

I don't think I've been getting them.