
Back to School (to prove to dad that I'm not a fool...)

(...got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight...I hope I don't get in a fight....OOO, Back to school, back to school, back..to....school)

Just had to get that out.

So yes, today is my first day back to work from a refreshing winter holiday break. Only had two classes today, an ok lunch and some free time to update the blog which should be more frequent now that I'm back to the routine.

A teacher also told me "I have no kids so why did you write on my new years card that my kids have gotten bigger?" Seems I got some of the new years cards mixed up when I was writing the little messages. oops! I wonder what the other teachers got and if they'll tell me what I wrote was weird or not...

Winter holidays were good. Got out to Tokyo to visit some friends and visit the "Mysteries of the Human Body" exhibit that put cadavers on display in all sorts of interesting poses highlighting key parts of the body. (LOTS of dudes. Ever seen a skinned penis? I have. The scientist guys must have figured the bigger the bris the better.) And at the end, your invited to handle a human brain and touch human muscle. Brains are heavy! Muscle is soft! Bleh!

It was really interesting but I had a heavy feeling about 5 minutes through the displays after the um-teenth time I reminded myself that they were real bodies everyone was looking at. And the kids! Oh the kids and their mothers! Not on display but there as patrons. So many little girls eye balling everything. Not freaking out mind you, they acted interested and everything, but maybe the mysteries of the magnet would have been more suitable for their age.

Kids are going up so fast these days I just can't keep up. I can just imagine some day having to pull my 5 year old out of the strip club and lecturing him on the way home about kid stuff and adult stuff. I guess it would have been a good experience for them, starting them thinking about mortality and stuff.

Here's the home page: Mysteries of the Human Body

At the top of the page; the 6th,8th and 10th "button" have some good pictures of some of the displays. On the "10th button page" click down the side links for some more interesting pictures of people at the show looking at the exhibits.

I also got out to the ski hill (Kusatsu) last weekend to cap off the winter break for some much needed fresh air. Snow was all right, but it was a bit of a lazy mountain good for coasting. "No shredding allowed" must have been the slogan there. I just gots ta shred but it'll have to wait for another day.

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