
Strange Days: I told you so

If anyone has been to the country side in Japan before then I'm positive they will remember the big uncovered gutters that run along the sides of the roads. If you don't know what I'm talking about just look at the picture and you should be up to speed with the rest of us.

For some reason someone on the highway committee thought it would be a good idea to put a gutter a foot and a half deep and a tire width wide along the sides of all the narrow country roads. For a reason or for sport? You decide.

Seems they caught themselves some game right here. There's going to be Pajero Jr. on the menu come this Easter!

With the resent snow fall I found a few more cars with their tires caught up but didn't have a chance to get a picture. Something tells me I'll have more opportunities in the future.

I could understand wanting to make some drainage areas along the roads with the amount of rain Japan gets on occasion, but at least cover them or make them narrower than your average tire or shallow enough to be able to get yourself out once you got yourself in. Or even some shoulders on the roads would be suffice for maneuvering in sticky situations.

The funny thing about this particular car was that the reverse lights were on but there was nobody in the vehicle when I drove past. Unless it were a chimpanzee at the wheel. Then it would change from funny to just plain amazing.

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