
Penny Arcade redone by Japanese HS students=Funny!

As much as I'd like to just post them on the main page, I can't. The picture sizes mess everything up, so click away!

I stumbled across this a few months ago and it still makes me laugh.
The story behind them is there is this american teaching english (actually pretty close to where I live as I recognize the stores and locations he's talking about.) at a japanese highschool who photocopied a bunch of Penny Arcade comics and had his students redo them in whatever way they wanted and they came up with some really funny shit.

Just like these beauties!
  • Potty Mouth
  • I-am-a-pen
  • Calendar
  • Ahahahah!
  • Small home
    You can check out the other hundred or so strips here at yukihime.com.
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