
Now that I think about it: Sleeping in class wasn't very funny

Remember in grade school when you found your friend asleep in the middle of class and you laughed your ass off at it? I mean you laughed so hard it was goddamn paralytic? I remember that and at the time it was honest laughter. Right there, my friend was sleeping, on his desk of all places, during class, while the teacher was talking about basic Canadian politics or how flowers are pollinated or something. Man that was funny.

Today I was reminded of that time while I, now, the man, was teaching as class. There was one of my students right there, right in front of me with a little spittle hanging out the side of his mouth dead asleep, and his little friends were shaking so hard and ringing their necks trying to hold back the laughter. They couldn't be bothered to get back to the matter at hand, which was to practice "I can play baseball." because there friend was sleeping....wait for it!..... in class!!!


Can you believe it?!?! I don't know how I made it through the class either without a fit of laughter now and a again. Oh wait... actually I do know how I did it. Cause it wasn't funny.

I remember making a promise to myself when I was young (most likely inspired by some kid on tv doing the same thing) and that was to always remain young at heart and never turn into one of those old, boring adults who just don't get it.

Well, I've grown up now and I do get it. Kids are stupid. They're stupid and inexperienced and don't know any better. Being grown up rocks. Do you know what I ate today? Cheese. And chocolate. That was awesome. Then do you know what I did after I ate that bowl of melted cheese dip? I played games. I played games from a big stack of the newest, coolest games. Then I went to my friends house and drank beer and played poker until very very early in the morning.

See? I couldn't do that if I were young. If I were young my day would go like this.

Geez, my mom made me eat all my broccoli today or else I couldn't go to Tommy's house and play guns. I'm totally running away now. She can forget me doing my math homework too cause I left it at school. See if she likes that. Aww, remember when Jeff fell asleep in Dale's class? Man, I almost peed my pants. I mean, he was sooo sleeping right there. hahahahahahaa! I never want to grow up. Adults are so stupid.