
Come one, come all...

Well, I've never tried anything like this before but I remember Caleb saying someday he'd like to create a webpage where a group of friends can just write down whatever they want, whenever. That had to have been a good 3/4 years ago, but me being an elephant, remembered it and still think it's a good idea.

I figure blogging is easy enough for all participants to use so let's get at it. Anybody who wants to join in, has suggestions of layout, needs a quick link to something dirty, let me know and I'll see what I can do. This is my first time using one of these and I have the idea that the creater is the controller as well, so I'm not just trying to be a dick by asking for all things to be run past me. Do whatever you want. I'm not easly offended.

For an idea of what I plan on posting, I think I'll keep it do mostly games, music, art, impressions of things, personal diary, confessions and generally things I think are of interest.

Note: I played around with it for a few minutes and what I think I'll do is email some people who I think would be intrested and contribute and then sign them up to the page to allow them posting privilages. That's all I've thought of for now. Look's like fun though.



fatwreck said...

I'm commenting on my own post! It's raining!

fatwreck said...

Wow and no link to your other blog there dane? I've heard about this mysterious blog with only a test post that's lite up message boards everywhere and have been strangely fascinated (much like my spelling). Looks like a celebrity in our myst.