

So, uh.... I guess Bush won. I don't know about in Canada and America but the impression I got living in Japan was that everyone hates Bush and Kerry (who reminds me of a Frankenstein) would win by a landslide simply for being a lesser of two evils. Movies, books, cd compilations and gatherings a plenty all rallying against him, not to mention the blatant proof that his term was a bust with the state of the current economy and his was on terror putting the nations debt at an all time high and started on falsities seems to point in the direction that he wouldn't be back for a second term.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. With America's primitive way of voting and vote counting it almost seems something fishy is a float. I hope they re-think a safe and secure way to cast votes so the outcome of future elections reflect how the people really feel. Cause we all remember the year Bush was first elected into the white house and all the problems the most powerful country in the world had just counting up the ballots. Who's to say that can't happen again.

I know I shouldn't care that much cause I'm Canadian, but America's position of a "world leader" affects everyone so rightfully so I'm concerned. And to think, I'll be 27 by the time America will have a new president. With all the lying and damage we have seen in America's first four years with Bush it's going to be interesting to see what the world will look like after another four. I can't help but feel pessimistic about the entire affair.

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