
Cleared!: Halo 2

Ok, after 10 days and only 8 of those actually playing the game, me and my little neighbor friend finished up with playing Halo 2. That doesn't seems like a long time at all, does it? That's because it's not. But it does fit in with various sites reports on what the games length was intended to be. But sadly, it's always attached to the phrase, "...but that's ok because online multiplayer is where you'll be spending all of your time." Hmmm.... no online for this cowboy so that sours the deal a little.

But I wouldn't say I'm upset with the game. The first half of the game was great. The city levels have to have been my favourite in the series but then the later half of the game starts to become repetitive and "dark". Like a "I can't see what's shooting me", kind of dark. Also the end "Boss".... is a kick in the dick. Nothing fun about it. Nothing creative, nothing cleaver just simply shooting at your target until it's dead.

I remember playing the final level of the first game where you had to drive your Wart Hog through one huge obstacle course as enemies from all over where shooting and attacking from all sides as you raced against the clock and the threat of being blown up with the ship. That was exciting, when me and my co-op buddy were finished with that we were exhausted and our hearts were racing. As for Halo 2's finally we were left with the feeling of, "Ok, he was a minor obstacle, bring on the level that wraps the game up with a bang." But after the brief CG scene all we were rewarded with was the credits and loose ends leading up to the next game.

One could say that Halo 2's "Big Bang" is the adventure itself and not just the final great level like it's older brother. Yes, one could say that, but not me. Sure, the entire game boasts huge environments amazing detail and layers but there's no way they couldn't have continued this into the last level. It stinks of trying to (finally) get the game wrapped up and out for the holiday season after numerous delays and long production time. I'm sure an extra few months would have provided the time to really make this game end on a high note.

Although I've written a lot on what I didn't like about the game, I could write a whole lot more on the "Holy Cow!" aspects. The game really did impress me more times than I give it credit for and I'll definitely play through it again which is more than I can say for a lot of other games. Probably because it duplicates the ol' 30 seconds of fun for 10+ hours rule and it does it really well. I'm just dwelling on the fact that I got all hyped up and anticipated this super ending and got dealt what just seemed like another normal, albeit, more difficult task.

  • Fun shooting enemies and hi-jacking vehicles over and over and over.
  • High production value and better than average story.
  • (What I hear) One of the best online games out for console owners.
  • Great special edition packaging and informative, well produced dvd showing what Bungie had to go through to make this game. For only $5 more this was a real treat for fans.

  • Game really tapers into repetitiveness and bland levels later on in the game.
  • During CG scenes, texture draw-in is really noticeable and distracting.
  • On the short side. (Says the guy with no Xbox Live)

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