
You dropped her coupons and you were lookin' fine

  • Sorry. It seems I wrote this about a month ago and forgot to post it. But it can be very exciting as well, like a time capsule of sorts. Let's look back about one month from now to see what I was thinking about...

  • That's right, Beastie Boys (click me!) are coming back through Japan this January and I snatched up some tickets for me and some friends. Should be a good time so I'll post some pictures and do a little write up after we go.

    In other news, Yumiko and I are ever so close to getting our immigration papers finished up. These have been a pain in the butt for the past 10 or so months and I'll (we'll) be more than happy to finally get them out the door and on their way to be processed. Although waiting for the results might be just as bad, but at least we can do other stuff while we worry instead of just gathering information while we worry. And Yumiko is being a brave soldier today. Last week (2 weeks) she got her braces fixed on and today she'll be getting her wisdom teeth removed and a medical exam to boot. I'll have to buy her an ice cream for her troubles.

    (update: She looks a little better but still can't open her mouth up all the way cause her cheek has a pocket of tough tissue of something gross like that. She'll be going back in in a few weeks too! Hopefully her face will be normal in time for the wedding.)

    Oh and I hear that there was another earthquake today a little before 9 this morning. A 5 in Nigata and a.... I dunno, 4? here. Kuushuu also got a little shake this morning around 5 am. It'll be nice to get off this sinking ship and back to the main land.

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