
This album makes me want to...

This album makes me want to...
...do this.

That's right. This album makes me want to take my rad bmx off a sweet jump for like 3 feet of air. I dare anyone to listen to this and think of anything other than running after bad guys in a California sunset, stopping only to give some kids tips on strong and healthy living. This light on the vocals heavy on the horns and drums album was inspired by people jumping, driving cop cars through stacked cardboard boxes and the mustaches of yester year.


Anonymous said...

Whats a Canadian doing in Japan, eh? You dont seem to be very religious to me. I guess as a fellow Canadian working in the US that life is better with Bush than chaos and anarchy.

fatwreck said...

I don't quite understand. What does religion have to do with living in Japan? No, I'm not religious and neither are most japanese so I guess it worked out.

"I guess as a fellow Canadian working in the US that life is better with Bush than chaos and anarchy."Are you saying that living in Japan is better than living in America with Bush as president because of the chaos and anarchy or are you saying that life is better with Bush than living in Japan with its chaos and anarchy?
It's cool you just wanted to say something but read it again cause it doesn't make any sense. Anyway, lots of canadians in Japan. Nothing special.